How to Choose a Foundation
One of the best things you can do for your skin is to use a skincare program for your skin type. Frequently, though, women complain that their skin care isn't working properly, or they have problems with it. Don't blame the skin care program. Perhaps the difficulty lies in choosing the incorrect foundation formula. You see, many people feel that all foundations will be the same and behave the exact same way on your skin. But if you have a tendency to have problematic skin, whether it is too greasy or too dry, altering up your foundation formula might be the trick to get your skin care to operate perfectly. There are different foundation formulas. Here's a basic guideline as to what functions for most people. However, you will just have to test what works best for you. If a foundation just does not seem to sit right on your own skin, you probably ought to change formulas. Don't forget to use foundation from the same brand/skin care line as the rest of your skin care...